Home » » Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare - Drum Cover By Meytal Cohen

Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare - Drum Cover By Meytal Cohen

Here I will present Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare - Drum Cover Meytal Cohen By. This video is unbelievably interesting some Youtube users to see agility as fans of Avenged Sevenfold I'm very proud of him. kedepanya hopefully many more video cover songs avenged sevenfold

The following description is in the video
after many hours of setting up and obsessing about this one, I finally shot the perfect take. while listening to the song on my way home, I realized that I've been playin the bass drum pattern wrong! there's so much reverb on the snare that I couldn't hear that there's also a bass drum, so I was playing the bass drum on one and three instead of on all four. Had to make a u-turn and shoot the whole thing again!!! So there u go - Take 2! 
luv u :)
 View On Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh_cSFFyk54

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